Why is Labor Day So Special to Us?
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters"
Colossians 3:23
I was driving down a back road the other day to avoid highway traffic and I was getting a little nostalgic. Block by block, strip by strip, I was intentionally taking notice of how many small businesses there are! One sells fasteners, the other doggie daycare, and yet another dry cleaning services. Family restaurants, antique shops, food trucks, all hard at work providing goods and services to their local communities, some to the country and some even to the world!
I currently work full time at a family owned wholesale distributor of flooring and the owners are tried and true; they are the most beautiful people to work for and care deeply about what we do and the people they employ.
For this reason, Labor Day has become one of my favorite holidays!!
Not for the sales, which I must confess, don't hurt the holiday's case at all.
Not for the BBQ's and pool parties, although it is always fun to be with family and friends any chance we get, especially if we are saying farewell to sweltering summers.
Not for the day off of work, which again, definitely doesn't hurt.
But because this holiday was created and dedicated to the contributions of American workers like you and me. The bread and butter of this country -- good-hearted, hard working people that take pride in whatever they produce or provide. Most believe that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, was the first to suggest a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."
The original intention and outline for celebration was a street parade to exhibit to the public the strength, pride, and common loyalty of the trade and labor organizations. The parade was to be followed by a festival for the relaxation and recreation of the workers and their families.
No holiday echoes the heart of why we started Alabaster Shards more than this one right here. We love to support small businesses and we make an effort to invest our resources into them every chance we get. I'd rather pay $2.00 more for a soap I know was crafted by hand in the home of my friend who values all natural ingredients and shares our disdain for the chemicals used by mass production corporations any day.
We started Alabaster Shards out of a desire to do business God's way, providing fashionable, affordable threads while still holding up people over profit. This business doubles as a ministry in every interaction as we use the gifts and creativity God gave us, share our stories, and freely give away the love and hope that came out of the broken pieces of our former lives.
Happiest Labor Day to every single one of you! Whether you are hard at work raising kingdom changers, or at the grind just trying to support yourself, you are an important and vital part of what makes this country great and makes the world go round. And we love you big! Praying restoration, relaxation and refreshment over you this long weekend!
Stephanie Luneau
This was fantastic Mindy! Thanks for sharing and posting. Thanks for taking a Christian stance in what you do. And thanks for making all these trendy, fun, cute fashions available! You are so talented :)